I had a dream the other night, wherein I had a boyfriend. I was glad I had mustered the courage to date and was happily dating a very nice, attractive man. We were hanging out together. Then something happened. My ...
"Our lives are like islands in the sea, or like trees in the forest, which co-mingle their roots in the darkness underground." -William James- Darkness always has a place in our lives. It ebbs and flows with ...
This will be a short post as my mind is filled with dying. My mother-in-law (MIL) had a very serious infection, that if it had been untreated for another couple of days, she may have died. The day she left ...
When you grieve, you are in the eye of the storm – battered about by your up and down emotions. As the initial storm subsides and the sea of your life calms a bit, you tentatively put a foot out ...
You are used to seeing me on Mondays, but Hope for Widows has asked me to start posting on Thursdays as well. This week I want to take a minute and introduce myself to those of you who are new. ...
“The past is never where you think you left it.” -Katherine Anne Porter- When a partner passes, it’s human nature to remember only the good things about that person because thinking about anything negative seems as if you would ...
I am rarely sick. When I feel an illness coming on, I'm impatient, and never want to take the time out of life to rest enough and care for my body so it can deal with the illness before it ...
I hiked Zion Narrows last week with my daughter and a group of friends. If you aren't familiar with the hike, one literally hikes in the river for 60-70% of the time, depending on water levels. We hiked from the ...
According to Webster, the definition of awkward is lacking dexterity, ease or grace Throughout the grief process you can feel uneasy or removed from your body – almost as if your skin doesn’t fit correctly. Consider thinking about it as ...
To paraphrase William Shakespeare’s words in Hamlet: To be normal or not to be normal? That is the question. After experiencing huge changes in your life, a popular buzz word you may hear that is used to try to help ...