What really matters? I've asked this a hundred times over the last 3 years since my husband's diagnosis of cancer. Before he passed, in the early stages of cancer diagnosis shock, what mattered was fighting it. Our lives were consumed ...
Suzie introduces her daughter and Registered Dietician Stephanie who explains grief and food. www.sueborrows.com
I first realized I had superpowers about two months after my husband's death. I was out of state at a birthday party for a good friend whose other friends only knew me from a distance. Last they had seen me ...
Michelle, It's National Widows Day. May 3rd. I know you don't pay a lot of attention to these type of things. But I also know you heard. I see you cry. Every single day. It hurts me still. I wish ...
We want to send a special shout out to honor all our Hope widow sisters today, on National Widows Day. We appreciate you and are very proud of your resilience in the face of extreme tragic circumstances. We always ...
by Board Member, Jill Hochman This article is about Reiki and coping with grief. It is part of the Hope for Widow’s Foundation efforts to help our Hope Sisters find ways to learn to cope with and manage their grief. ...
I believe, that grief changes. I believe, that grief lessens. I believe, that grief itself does indeed get easier. As the full out meltdowns seem to become a thing of the past, and the gut wrenching tears become less frequent, ...
I finally did it. I attended a wedding. And ... it was magical! I wrote a blog last year during the holidays about my issue with attending weddings. Attending weddings for me was non-existent. My fear was powerful...until now. I've ...