I dropped a handful of Todd’s socks from his sock drawer on the bed, tears welling in my eyes. I tried not to think about what I was doing or why. My sister in law had asked me weeks ...
I always knew I would be a widow. When I decided to marry Jared, I knew that unless some unforeseen tragedy struck, I would someday be a widow. I knew because of his cystic fibrosis, CF, I would most ...
Morning thoughts I woke up this morning and stretched my hand to the other side of the bed to only feel the mattress instead of you. And so the day begins again with the heartache of realizing you are ...
When my husband’s beautiful life left his permanently sleeping body on September 29th, 2016, he was 47 years and 239 days old. On Sunday, July 8th, 2018, I stood on the bank of a creek along a hiking trail at ...
It’s been a while since I have done anything grief related. No writing, no commiserating, not even much crying. I needed a break, but I’m back. I’m picking up where I left off. Grief never completely goes away. As nice ...
June 23rd is recognized as International Widow's Day. It is not a day we celebrate, it is a day of honoring our widowed community. "When I was widowed, I was just 26. I felt alone, I felt targeted, I had ...
I miss the sounds of Rick. I never thought of myself as an “auditory” person. I’ve always been more visual: I love the written word; I love looking at photographs and art. Yes, I’ve always put music on the top ...
Since my husband died nine months ago, I’ve been attempting to find my new normal. Like all widows, I’m still getting used to living alone and adjusting to life without my partner, trying to balance taking care of my usual ...
WARNING: Lame attempt at grief-ridden humor I hope some of these will make you laugh. I have no doubt that many, if not all, are relatable on some level. One of the few things that I’ve been able to rely ...
I just ate a Slim Jim and started to cry. How can eating a dried meat stick bring back painful memories? How do the most innocuous acts trigger grief and pain and sadness? Is there anything that won’t remind me ...