I looked the definition of quirky up in the dictionary because I wanted to find a word that described my love, friend and soul mate. According to the Cambridge Online English dictionary it means “unusual in an attractive and interesting ...
I journal every day. I have been talking to him through my writing and in my head. I speak to him through the pictures I have around the house. I watch videos of him, yet, it’s barely been a year ...
I’m just coming out of another rough week! Just when I thought I was doing so well, I find myself back in the depths of sorrow. A friend says it might have been triggered by the wonderful time on the ...
A year has come and gone since Barrie’s passing. It has been an intense year; a year in which I have done so many things I wouldn’t have done if Barrie had been here. For a few months, I went ...
In the end, I’ve gotten through the holidays without fretting as much as I thought I would. There have been tears, there has been sadness, but something his daughter said to me has grounded me despite my sadness and the ...
Ever since I was a little girl, I loved December. I considered myself so lucky because I was born on December 15th just 10 days before Christmas, so I got double the presents, or so I thought at the time! ...
Today, I post bilingually for the first time. Hoy, escribo mi primer post bilingüe. I’ve just passed the 11-month mark. For a while, I thought I was doing fine—especially since I managed to get through the 23rd without shedding a tear. ...
I went for my Sunday walk on the industrial estate where I have a magnificent view of “Barrie’s rock”. 😊 When I walk alone, I always have my phone with me and listen to news or music. This particular Sunday, ...
Did you ever find a bird with a broken wing when you were a child? Do you remember holding it lovingly and putting it in a shoebox, watching how the poor thing struggled? How the vet said it might heal, ...
Even the significance behind numbers has changed. He passed away on December 23rd (2023) at 1:30 pm. Today it’s October 14th (2024), 8:30 am. It’s been 295 days, 18 hours and 30 minutes. The 23rd of every month is marked ...