One of the big steps of the grief journey is deciding whether or not you are going to let the title “widow” define you or not. It's understood that this “event” in your life has had a major impact and ...
Parenting can become a whole new ball game when you are suddenly parenting on your own. When children know what you will and won't tolerate, a lot of conflict can be avoided. I want to thank Nicholeen Peck of "Parenting ...
While some of you may be ready to find and welcome new love after loss, your children may not be so anxious for this life event to proceed. If you’re thinking about this, here is some food for thought. Let’s talk ...
This afternoon I was running late for a meeting and grabbed the folder I needed to take with me. I quickly glanced through it and was surprised (shocked, actually) to see a transcript of my husband's funeral sitting among the ...
Although it may seem so, your life did NOT end with the loss of your partner. It’s just that in your grief, you’re feeling unable to imagine what comes next. This doesn’t mean it’s not there waiting for you to ...
For those of you who are parents, we know it can be an especially rocky road as you try to work through the grieving process yourself while parenting your child (or children) on your own. I read an interesting article, “More ...
Mourning the loss of a partner is a time of uncertainty. During this time, you are living in the gap – free floating across a deep, dark hole into which you are fighting not to fall. Without a solid footing, ...
"To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart." ~Phyllis Theroux~ If you’re feeling stuck in your grief and confused by conflicting emotions, at times, writing a letter to your ...
The heat was oppressive. I'd never felt so hot and exhausted before, and I wondered if I could last for the next week of rehearsals under the scorching summer sun. It was the year after my husband drowned. A friend ...
My husband loved going to Lake Powell. While most of the time he went with others to fish, there were times when we would all go. He loved to fish and our kids loved being towed behind the boat. I ...