Hope for Widows Foundation knows there are a million different ways to help widows. We have decided to focus on the following programs at this time. We welcome your help and support with any of these below and will consider additional initiatives as capacity, budgets, and resources allow.

Annual Restoring Hope and Peace Grant

Financial annual grants awarded to widowed women to offset financial challenges as she navigates her healing journey. There is a yearly application process to apply and Awardees selected. (Opens each year on National Widows Day, May 3)

Hope Sister Connect

Widow Empowerment peer-to-peer online support to navigate the challenges of widowhood. We can be found on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

Community Bloggers

Widow contributors share their time, energy, and talent even when fighting their own grief battles. A huge source of encouragement, mentorship, and just beacons of advice for our Community. Submissions are weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and quarterly.  Find the blog here: 

Widows of Hope Virtual 5k  Run/ Walk

Annual initiative to get everyone active while bringing attention to the more than 245 million women around the world who are widowed and the challenges of losing a spouse, and most importantly honoring a loved one. Proceeds will benefit Hope for Widows Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit organization, and will be applied towards the annual Restoring Hope and Peace Grants, Sunshine Packages, and Bring Hope Holiday Assistance Program.

Hope For Widows Foundation Additional Events and Awareness: 

National Widows Day (May 3)

International Widows Day (June 23)

National Grief Awareness Day (Aug 30)

Children’s Grief Awareness Day (Nov 16)

Giving Tuesday (Tuesday after the U.S. Thanskgiving)