We have many resources we want to share with you either from our personal journeys, suggested by our Hope Sisters (widows), or others in our Community. We imagine after the loss of your loved one you not only feel shocked and lost, you also have scoured the internet trying to find resources and people like you, who can relate. This page serves as a place that provides some of the books and sites we endorse and if you know of more please share with us at info@hopeforwidows.org.



The Unwelcome Committee

The Hope for Widows Foundation Executive Director, Chasity Williams published a book in August 2016 in collaboration with two other widows,  that shares three different perspectives of how becoming a widow and dealing with the process of grief changed their lives forever.

The ladies cover various topics such as what happened, solo parenting, finances, balance, coping mechanisms, digression, resentment, complicated grief, gaining to be understood, and so much more. This book is raw, uncut, and has many personal reflections that may be surprising to read.


Grief Diaries: Through the Eyes of a Widow

Hope for Widows Foundation, Chasity Williams, Executive Director, was a contributing author of Through the Eyes of a Widow collection of stories by widows across the globe.  She shared her own personal insight into the hidden and often unspoken challenges of losing a husband, including the emotional, mental, and social shifts she’s forced to reckon with in the aftermath.

Widows in today’s world find little support to recover and adapt to a life they didn’t plan. Friends, family, and others have little idea about how to help, leaving them in a vulnerable spot when they need support most. What can widows do? Where do they turn for help? How do they face the future and rebuild their lives?

Articles and Books by Community Members

These resources are provided by members of our community and other collaborative scenarios within the grieving community.  If you would like to feature your products and/or services or want to add a suggestion to the list please email us at info@hopeforwidows.org


  • Interview with Grief Expert, David Kessler Maureen Bobo, former Board Secretary was interviewed by David Kessler, an author, public speaker, and death and grieving expert. In this video, Maureen was honored to discuss the loss of her spouse, her widowhood journey, solo parenting, Hope For Widows Foundation, healing, and her overall life then and now.
  • Faith and Grief Podcast: Ajai Blue-Saunders, Community Blogger guest on Faith and Grief Podcast where she talks about her grief journey.

Other Helpful Books

Other Helpful Grief/Support sites

Resources for Children

Resources for Mental Health