We love this encouraging community and the woman we have become connected to. Thank you to the widows (Hope Sister’s) who have shared here on how Hope for Widows has helped them. Do you have a story of your own? Please send it to us using our contact form.
There are many other widow groups out there but Hope for Widows does a few things that sets them apart from anyone else supporting widows. First, they are the only place I’m aware of that only allows women. any other groups allow widowers and I’ve been hit on by many men who’ve only been widowed 6 months. Hope for Widows creates an environment where I can truly be vulnerable, knowing a man won’t use it to his advantage. Second, I know Hope for Widows takes our privacy seriously. They go through many “behind the scenes” efforts to ensure only widowed women are added to their closed groups/forums. Thank you for ensuring our physical and emotional safety.
I have been a widow for 6 years. The ladies on this page have been very supportive, thoughtful and welcomed me with open arms when I found this page a year after I lost my husband. Even though we all lost our spouses in different ways,age, etc. I couldn’t ask for a better group of ladies that I can turn to to ask questions, need someone to talk to or even when I have needed to vent. I honestly don’t think I could have gotten through these last 6 years of losing my husband ( btw I lost my husband to a suicide bomber while he was deployed to IRAQ in March 2008). This group just has the most amazing women and while none of us ask to be a widow I know for me knowing that there is someone who understands what I am going through is such a tremendous help to me. Thank you ladies for being there for me when I have needed to talk, cry, scream, or even just need to vent!!
It’s been 3 months since my husband has been gone and I feel lost and hopeless. I found Hope for Widows Foundation and there is so many women out their have give me advice on how they went through this pain and how it won’t go away but we learn to live with it. They hear me out without judgement, they let me be myself and say what I feel and they understand. Their love is amazing and it’s a love for a stranger who share the pain of losing your best friend. I’m so blessed to have found this group of strong women.
I did not ask to be a widow. This foundation has been a true God Send to me. I know you will have the resources to help me move forward in my grief and just knowing there is an actual foundation that supports widows is amazing. So many times I wished I had someone to talk to that understands what it means to be a widow. I help so many people and had to push my feelings down with no one to talk to. Thank you for this foundation and i cannot wait to be a part of the groups on Facebook. I do not believe it is a coincidence I found this foundation on the one year anniversary of my husbands death.
Hope For Widows Foundation has helped me by knowing I am not alone on this journey. When my husband passed away, I felt alone and afraid. I do still have the feelings at times but it’s refreshing to hear the stories of women who have found love again or have found peace. I don’t post on the page often but I find comfort in reading posts from my widow sisters. As for finding hope and peace, I’m still a work in process.
The first 9 months after losing my husband/father/best friend of ten years.. Was VERY lonely. I felt like I was different than everyone around me. It was on New Years this year that I finally decided I can’t keep dwelling in this pain. I can’t let it surround me. I have these kids to be strong for. Plus, Jay wouldn’t want that. I had tried counseling.. It was okay. But, it still didn’t feel right. It felt “scripted.” So I thought the best way to not feel so alone or like an outcast would be to seek woman who have endured the same hurt I have or gone through similar experiences. That’s how I stumbled upon Hope For Widows. Not only had it helped me in so many ways to heal.. But,when the healing started.. I started reaching out to other woman that were still stuck in the “can’t get out of this dark lonely stage” I wanted to assure them, like I felt at first, they ARE NOT ALONE! Honestly, after the healing started. I started helping others that felt like I did. I soon realized how empowering and driven it made me feel to keep going on in life. To get back to “myself/my NEW me.” I didn’t think I’d see that girl again. It’s been almost a year and a half since my husband died. My father died tragically and unexpectedly 3 weeks prior to my husband’s passing. I can say with confidence. I AM PROOF!! That although you may not want to.. Or you’ll think it’s not possible. You CAN live! You CAN get through this. One day at a time. And last but not least.. You DON’T have to do it alone!! This an amazing group of woman that know too well how it feels to go through such suffering. Life really is a beautiful thing. EVERY woman deserves to feel cared for. Like this group has been there for me when I needed understanding.
It is comforting to know that I am not alone. There are other people, just like me, raising young children alone. Their stories and the articles from Hope For Widows give me hope and strength to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I am reminded that it is o.k. to not be o.k. Sometimes I think I am doing so well and no longer need support, and then the week comes with the anniversary of his death and his birthday within three days of each other and I find myself right back in the middle of my grief. It is then that I look to Hope for Widows for comfort. I will persevere for my children and for myself and to honor the memory of my beloved Jim.
It has been helping me to feel that I am not going crazy. It has helped to see what the other ladies
are going through. It’s kept me from feeling so all alone. Plus, it is a safe place to be able to share without judgement. Plus, it has helped me to see that there is life after losing your best friend. Everyone treats each other with genuine respect, kindness and love. This has been a place where I feel safe and that I may be able to learn how to move forward and to not be so scared and overwhelmed.
Hope for Widows Foundation has allowed me to find a community of women who understand all the growing pains of being a widow. When your having a bad day you can go on there and reach out to them. I witnessed one a day a lady on the verge of Suicide she posted reaching out. I got to watch all of these hurting women come to her rescue love on her and truly understand how you can’t do life alone. The lady was able to go to a facility and get help because she had our Hope for Widows Foundation Facebook page. She found help and I found hope that I am not alone in this journey anymore. Thank you.
I was widowed at 34 years old. My husband’s death was sudden and unexpected. I was left to care for 2 young boys who couldn’t comprehend that their dad was now gone. I spent a year in a complete fog. Looking back now, I don’t remember a lot from that year, except for feeling alone. Feeling like no one else understood what my “new” life was all about. Then I started looking for groups online for people like me and came across Hope for Widows. I read the posts daily from other women struggling with the same things I’ve found myself struggling with and realized very quickly that I’m not alone. There are women all over the world, at different stages of their lives, just trying to live one day at a time with this title that was forced upon us. I’ve witnessed people finding new love, exploring parts of the world by themselves, and learning how to live after death. That gives me hope that someday I will find the same thing. I know I’m stronger than I was 5 years ago and I’ve learned that I can do so much more than I ever thought I could. All because I have to live on,not only for my 2 boys, but for myself as well.
To sum it up in one word…definitely validation. While I do not comment on the foundations posts a lot, mostly out of shyness, I visit it often. It has been so helpful more times that I can count to see that although I may be alone at this point in the physical sense, I am not alone in the feelings and emotions I am experiencing. There have been times that I seriously thought that I was crazy and then to read that there are so many others who are experiencing the same things helps you to realize that you are not and helps to keep moving forward. Connecting with others through the posts and stories has been one of the biggest reasons I have been able to find peace and hope on this journey.
After my husband passed away, I tried seeing a counselor. I went to her twice and knew it wasn’t for me. A friend who lost her husband in a workplace accident invited me to join this group. I was reluctant at first but after 9 months, I’m so glad I did. Reading the stories from other Women and having advice from others has been amazing. Grief is a hard path to take and if I didn’t have this group to help me
walk down this path, I don’t know what I would do.
I have been blessed by everyday posts that Hope for Widows Foundation have posted to give me encouraging and caring and letting me know that i am not alone and there are those people in Hope for Widow Foundation and members that understand what I’m going through and I can trust in them.
Hope for Widows Foundation, a community where my emotions and experience are free from judgment; where I am not rushed to “move on”; where my anguish is acknowledged instead of dismissed; where no one trivializes the love Tyler and I share. Hope for Widows validates the varied and unpredictable emotions grief brings, offers strategies for handling unwanted advice and intrusive input, and provides an outlet to release the frustrations that arise as I acclimate to a life I never wanted nor could have predicted. To have a forum where I can be my authentic self is invaluable. I am accepted as I am– an essential need as the expectations of others, albeit well-intention, suggest what I am feeling and doing is unacceptable. By connecting me with other widows and resources, Hope for Widows Foundation provides support whenever and wherever the need arises. It is an outstretched hand as the sea of isolation engulfs me. It is a steady voice quieting the noise in my head. On the days I can’t outrun the avalanche of sorrow, Hope for Widows Foundation lets me know the snow will melt.
This group was one of the first I joined after my husband’s death. I had no idea what to expect, but I hoped for some support. I found that and more. Hope For Widows is one of the kindest and most understanding groups I’ve been in. There is no judgment from the admins or members. You can say whatever you want and you are understood. You are also comforted and made to feel at home.
I don’t quite remember how I came across Hope For Widows Foundation or how I became one of the community bloggers, but I am so glad I did! It is such a blessing to be surrounded by other women who have walked similar paths as myself. I love to read others blog posts and their stories. It helps make this life feel just a little less alone.
Hope For Widows Foundation has been my support group and I communicate with my peer group of women who are in my situation. They understand my feelings and there is a no judgement zone in the group.
Hope for Widows Foundation has helped me realize that there are many women out there that find themselves as being lost without their husband. Those first days are dark. I read the posts to see if anyone is beginning to see the light and how they’ve accomplished it. I have also told my story and how I choose to live a life full and long. This site has allowed me the freedom to express myself freely without posting on my personal facebook page.
I have followed Hope for Widows since early in my grief journey. It truly helps knowing that you are not alone in the struggle and the obstacles we face when we have lost our loved one. Having hope helps bring one to a peaceful place, but it is a ongoing challenge. I am thankful for groups like Hope for Widows, especially in social media, that can help when we face dark times.
Hope For Widows Foundation gives me an outlet for grief and a safe space to talk with other women. It’s founders and leaders inspire me to be a better, stronger, more determined woman. I have found resources through the Hope For Widows Foundation website and Facebook page, and I have also met like-minded widows in their online community. Knowing there are others saying, “Me Too” out there helps me see hope ahead and to spread hope behind me.
The Hope for Widows Foundation offered me a safe place. Everyone greeted me with open arms and offered love and support from the minute I joined the group. The women on the board are wonderful and the members truly respect and love each other. Having the support of the group made me fee “more normal” in a situation that was new to me and nothing anyone around me had gone through. The Hope for Widows Foundation continues to be a great resource for support and I appreciate working with them to help bring some health and wellness to the community. We are all amazing women, and we all have a purpose to fulfill on this Earth and together we can stand strong and accomplish our goals!
Hope For Widows Foundation has helped you restore hope and peace in your grief journey by sharing gstorys of others who have lost a loved one, s husband or a father. Knowing there are other people like me out there brings me sadness for them, but some comfort knowing I’m not alone, knowing others have been through this and come out the other side of loss ok nd that there is hope. Reading the stories shared also brings hope for me, for my children knowing when they’re older I have a resource where we can go together and see others stories, and to know there is a community available to others going through the same thing.
I was completely lost when my husband passed away from cancer. He was not only my husband but my best friend and soul mate. I totally fell apart I could not function for a long time. Finding Hope for Widows Foundation gave me hope that I could work thru the pain to reach a point where I could face life alone. Reading and relating to the stories of other widows a s seeing that what I was feeling was very normal gave me comfort. I drew strength from the amazing women who shared their struggles and victories in finding their new normal. I felt I would never fell joy again and felt very lost. I gained strength to fight to find out where I fit into this world alone. I also learned I can continue to cherish my love and life with my husband while finding a new normal. I have gained hope and peace by learning that the grief is essential to my journey. I found my way thru the grief by seeing the power of the widows how shared their stories of conguring the profound loss to manage the grief and rise again to the new normal for me.
The Hope for Widows Foundation has helped me restore hope and peace in my grief journey by showcasing a positive outlook on grief. Going through the grief process is not easy and knowing that there are other individuals experiencing some of the same things that you are has brought some comfort to my situation. In the beginning I felt alone and I felt as if no one understood what I was going through. I wanted to give up so many times because the pain was just so hard to bear. Finding the Hope For Widows Foundation page on Instagram has been a blessing. The content posted on the instagram page seems to always resonate with me at just the right time. It has been confronting to provide and receive encouraging words from others throughout this process. The Hope for Widows Foundation has given me hope that I can and I will get through it with time.