The question was far from my thoughts when I lost the love of my life.
To love again or stay “single” for the rest of my life…
There was no comprehension of being able to, let alone wanting to, love again. So, for many years, it was easy to see my life… alone, I guess you would say. Full of family and friends, but no need to love another.
Let me fast forward eight years of living alone; nothing to complain about except the heartache of missing my precious Douglas. A stirring in my soul has been building, and a willingness to possibly find love again has surfaced. This has brought many emotions along with some confusion.
I met Douglas at the age of fifteen and got married at nineteen. He was my everything, my partner to run to, and he had my back no matter what.
How could I love again?
Who could I love the way I loved him?
Then, I realized something so profound. It came from an intimate conversation we had before he passed. I recalled that precious moment with him, and it was like he sat here next to me, stating… “Jack, it is time. It is time to love again; you have so much to give. It is time for you to be loved as well. You deserve it.”
Through this, it was recognized that I have so much love to give, and loving another will be its own love story. I won’t need to love another the way I loved Douglas. That was its own most amazing love story.
So, to the incredible soul that comes into my life, I welcome you with open arms. There are a few things you need to know before you jump into this. Loving a widow is different than loving someone divorced or never married. We did not choose to be alone; we saw ourselves in love with our precious spouse forever. We have not stopped loving them, it will be present forever! So, coming into the much-protected space we have will possibly be work, even a challenge. I love hard, and once you earn my trust, I will fight for you. I lost my first love to an aggressive brain cancer, and the shattered heart I once housed has been slowly pieced together. It has holes and sharp edges, but there is a significant spot to be filled with your love. You will hear stories of my life with Douglas because he is such a massive part of my story. It will never weaken my love for you, I see it as a strength we will gain from heaven. Be patient with me as there may be occasions of myself being afraid. Afraid to completely open up and afraid to lose you. I want you to know I love the Lord and know He will be the center of this journey we will travel together. The independence I have gained over the last eight years must be nurtured. As scared as I am to find you, I am just as excited for the Lord to bring you to me.
Love jacki
To the sweet widow reading this pondering how she will ever get to this point, or screaming, how could you ever think about loving again?! I totally understand where you are coming from. That is why grief is our own journey, and we get to do it exactly how we are doing it.
I was you a few years ago!
Be patient with your journey because as time goes by, your journey can shift. What we thought at the beginning can be released, and a new beautiful way can be shown. Becoming a widow is not a death sentence to living life alone, we get to choose that destination.
Some will be fine living alone, while others will find love quickly after their loss. Then there are the ones that need a few years to figure out what they desire.
This is the beauty of grief.
Love and Blessings
Jacki, I just read your article. It’s been almost a month since my wife suddenly died. This weekend is her Celebration of Life Service that I’ve been pouring most of my energy into. I have been thinking a lot lately about dating again someday. I have ADHD so a million thoughts are always racing through my brain. I don’t know if I’ll ever find someone with so much love and joy as my wife had. I found her purely by accident when a friend introduced me to her. I wasn’t looking for love, I was a college student with a full load of studies, I thought I didn’t have time for a girlfriend, boy was I wrong. That was 20 years ago. We were married for 18 years. We had big plans to celebrate our 20th anniversary in 2 years. Now those plans have vanished. Your article gives me hope to move on someday. I’ll never stop loving my wife, and I know I’ll never love anyone like I loved her. But maybe I can love someone else in a different way. Thank you.
So very on point. I passed 3 years and in the beginning I never thought. Now in these lonely days it seems to enter my thoughts to love again.
I have more life to live!