I missed my last blog post. I couldn’t find any words. I think maybe because I knew the first big day was fast approaching and I wanted to say whatever I could think of for this post. And now it’s a week away and words are still escaping me. I think I’ve been pretty numb this past month and with whatever I have felt, I have been “eating my feelings,” as Jonathan would say.
Honestly, it feels like it’s been longer than a year. It feels like it’s been so much longer since I last felt your hand in mine and last had your arms embrace me until I melted. It feels like longer than a year since I last felt your lips on mine and last felt your forehead kisses that made me feel so safe. And honestly, I think what has been getting to me the most lately is the fact that our son has lived more of his life without his Dada than he has with you physically in it. And that breaks my heart all over every single time I think of it.
You are such a presence in our home still. Everest kisses the photo of you above his crib every single night before he goes to bed. When we were out and about today, and I said we were gonna go home, he said “Dada home” as in you would be there. We talk about you all the time. There isn’t a moment that you’re not thought about.
I just keep thinking about how incredibly honored I am, that you lived the rest of your life with me. I selfishly wanted you to be here much longer and I know you wanted to be here much longer too. To have someone who loved me with their entire being spend the rest of their life with me, it’s not something I will ever take for granted. I know not everybody gets a love like this. And I don’t care if I get all the puke emojis in the world, because we had the most pure and perfect love for one of another, love that movies and books are written about and Delilah talks about on the radio. I will forever be honored to have been called your wife and to be the mother of your child. No matter where my life takes me, that is something forever that will be certain and true. That you loved me with everything you had and I love you with everything I am.