




Loss can bring into our lives negative experiences and feelings that we never expected.  We may find ourselves judged wrongly, carrying burdens and feeling pain inexpressible and incomprehensible.

Nobody wants to feel any of these. We constantly seek just the opposite – Peace, relief, acceptance, approval, and safety.

While grieving, and truly all through life, we need a place where we can count on being able to find those things, where we can drop our burden, release the pain, let the tears flow, and find acceptance.

George Eliot said it well:

“A friend is one to whom one may pour out the contents of one’s heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that gentle hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away.”

Here at Hope for Widows, we hope to provide that place. We hope that all who join with us and who respond to other widows’ pain and sorrows will be just that – a gentle hand, and that all we communicate will be done “with a breath of kindness.”

Help us to create that place. We invite you to share one another’s burdens, to lighten each other’s loads, and to be for each other, above all else,

A safe haven.