We will all make it through another year, I promise! Try some or all of these resolutions to help get you through another 365 days without your husband.
1. Shower at least twice a week.
- Shave your legs once every six months
- Stop caring about people’s opinions of your hairy-ass legs
- Hire a scientist to invent false eye lashes that stay put after thirty-two straight minutes of crying in the bathroom stall at work/Target
- Use the F word less
- Just kidding, F*** appropriate language
- Find the correct ratio of Benadryl to Wine that will help you sleep for more than two consecutive hours a night
- Refrain from using your middle finger when someone says, “So you must be feeling better since it’s been a whole two years since your husband died.”
- Just kidding, flip them off, even if you’re in a church
- Wear a sign that says, “I’m not divorced, I’m widowed” on all your dates, to avoid the awkward “So how long have you been divorced?” question
- Develop an unhealthy obsession with a netflix series; pair with ice cream and/or popcorn
- Develop a crush on a celebrity; have his/her face printed on a pillow, cuddle and/or talk to it every night (But not Jared Leto or Channing Tatum because they belong to me)
- Wear a black veil with a pink sundress to run errands at least once a week. Everyone thinks you’re crazy anyways, you might as well give them reason
- Make it your mission to find your tribe of widows. Some widows grieve with inspirational quotes, comfort foods, and quilts made out of their dead husbands underwear. Some widows grieve with cocktails, rap music, and excessive usage of the phrase, “I hate everything.” Both types of widows and all of the types in between are brave, and scared; and strong and weak. All are beautiful in ways that I cannot write. Seek out your tribe, if you haven’t already. You will feed one another the validation required to begin and continue this life you did not ask for.
Love to all who are reading this. May this year bring you hope, and cocktails that don’t create hangovers.
© Copyright 2016 Michelle Miller
I REALLY identified with this phrase….Some widows grieve with cocktails, rap music, and excessive usage of the phrase, “I hate everything.” Wow. That’s me exactly
Thanks Michelle, I think I have found my tribe.
me too! Isn’t it a great feeling?! So happy for you
I like when you say: Stop caring about people’s opinions ….. I stop caring about people´s opinions about everything! Only we know what we suffer. And this part: “I wish endorphins were bottled and given to the widow at at the funeral!” and after that too. It´s been 3 months since I lost him and I feel so bad!
exactly! Not caring about people opinions is so very freeing……Bottled endorphins would’ve been great for me too….you poor thing, those early months are just so brutal
Hey Michelle it’s Ramona I don’t know if your mom talked to you about what’s going on with my life. I wanted to say thank you for this blog. Some of the blog’s are hard to read but some are very helpful.
Hey cousin!!! Are you on my facebook? Message me on there…we need to talk!
I am LOVING this. It has been 6 months since my Husband died and all those happy go lucky facebook posts make me want to throw up all over my damn keyboard.
#11 – ALL THE WAY!!!
Stick with me Breanne! I vow to only make you throw up from encouraging you to take that sixth shot of tequila!
The shave your legs part is so d**** true it just seems to be so much work lol !
It really is! And don’t even get me started on my bikini area!
thanks xoxox
You’re my hero. Cheers to 5, 6, 12, and 14.
perfect. agree with all but love#14.been 16 years since husband died and 6 months since so died.so left me 18 months before. I imconviently got breast cancer. I was supposed to take him back when I got over it. I didn’t
I’m so sorry 🙁 You’re brave to share your story. Thank you
So many are true…Im not as socially aberrant after all. Thanks for validating and giving me some endorphins that were much needed.
I wish endorphins were bottled and given to the widow at at the funeral! I could’ve used those in those early days. Thanks for reading xoxox
Great! Thank you.
you are so welcome
Love this…thanks for the much needed laugh! Happy New Year to All ! ! ! (2 yrs 7 mos w/o my beloved husband/best friend… Loved and Missed ~ Always and Forever ~ Until we are reunited for Eternity ! )
So happy to have made you laugh! It really is the best medicine….besides tequila. You are almost at the same time line as I am. It’ll be three years in March that I lost John.
Loved these! Got a much-needed chuckle!
good! Stay tuned…I have a lot of laughter planned for you guys this year
So glad!!! That was my goal when I wrote it
Love reading this, thanks for the laugh
You’re so welcome!
God bless you for this. I love it! It makes me feel stronger…like I’m ok. Thank you!
So glad you feel stronger!
Fantastic..no-one knows until they go through this..lost my husband 5 years ago after a week I went to shop – needed fresh air..adult son knew, adult daughter nearly sent search party out and ranted at him for letting me out alone! Not the life we envisaged but we are strong
LOVE these resolutions! They made me laugh! Thanks!
So glad they made you laugh!