I made it through another Christmas! I only tortured myself with memories and the would of, could of, and should of's for a short time on Christmas Day. I was determined that this year would be different, and I set ...
I'm wishing you joy this Holiday season. I'm hoping all the good memories of past Holidays will bring you good cheer. I'm grateful for the Hope for Widows Foundation. It is wonderful to have a place where we can go ...
During my late husband's long battle with cancer, and after his death, I came to rely on my angels. I believe my angels watch over me. I now have a collection of Willow Tree Angels that are grouped together under ...
I hate the holidays!!!! It's that time again to celebrate with family and friends, and I find myself asking, Celebrate what????? This is my third holiday season without Ray. During the last Christmas we shared, it was all he could ...
It is my third Thanksgiving without my late husband Ray. Thanksgiving was his favorite holiday. He was too ill to enjoy it the last two years of his life. He really was not himself, the man on whom I depended ...
I met Ray in 1976, I was 19 years old, he was 21. Six months after meeting and falling in love, we were married. Our four children, a daughter and 3 sons, joined our family in the first six years ...
Thanksgiving was my late husband’s favorite holiday. He used to say: “I love Thanksgiving because there is no pressure to buy gifts.” He loved to just focus on family, good food and gratitude. Gratitude is the most important part ...
I love the widows who attend my church. They fill the back pew at Sunday morning worship service. I never thought about them much before I became a widow. They were just there: the little old ladies who lived alone, ...
Even before I became a widow, I was fascinated with Vrindavan, India, which is also known as the City of Widows . This is a city to which the shunned widows of India are sent by their family members. Here, these ...
I believe in Hope. I believe the only antidote for heartbreaking pain is Hope. For me, hope and moving forward are one and the same. My late husband, Ray, and I lived in a small Northern California town, and we ...