One of my most fatal flaws as a human is my inability to see the world in any sort of spectrum. I spend most of my days thinking, feeling, and living in absolutes. To me, this “black-and-white thinking” provides structure ...
The past eleven months have felt like a blur, yet I find myself now counting down to the anniversary of my partner's death instead of tallying up the number of days or months that have passed since she left. Each ...
Like most people, I am no stranger to loss. I remember attending my first funeral for a great-grandparent when I was in elementary school, and have gone to at least a dozen celebrations of life since. No matter who it ...
Over the past 10 months, I've learned just how much we fail at talking about grief as a society. Most of the time, the "comforting" phrases people rattle off only happen because that's all we've been taught. Unfortunately, when you're ...
Losing a spouse comes with undefinable pain. However, that pain doesn't just fade away like it does when we stub a toe or bump an elbow. This is especially true in the first twelve months after our person is gone. ...
Personally, I find asking for help difficult. I was raised to be tough and independent, not to rely on others. However, I have also learned over the past nine months that managing finances, childcare, and grief all at the same ...
I don't think anyone ever imagines many of the "what ifs" that become reality when someone dies well before their time. There are rarely rules or pre-established guidelines for people like us to follow. And, even if there were, I ...
There's a lot related to grief that we never discuss as a society. In fact, most people avoid talking about grief altogether. I don't know if it's because no one else deals with it or because people are too scared ...
On the evening of Monday, October 17, 2022, I took my beloved Emily to the hospital for what we thought was gallstones. By the early morning of Wednesday, October 19, she was gone. She passed suddenly, unexpectedly, and in a ...
The musical "Hamilton" is filled with incredible songs. In fact, that’s a large part of why it gained popularity so soon after its debut. It put a fresh spin on a critical part of American history. It shared the legacy ...