The Day My Husband Daryle Died: This video explains part of what I went through the day my husband died of brain cancer. This is undoubtedly the hardest thing I have ever gone through but be encouraged, there is hope! ...
My third favorite “F” word is flowers, my second favorite “F” word is food, and I’ll let you guess what my first favorite “F” word is. Speaking of f***ed, I think all of us widows can agree on the fact ...
“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Hi everyone! It's an honor to be here and I'm excited about the opportunity to share my heart and to blog alongside a great group ...
Cousins. Aunts. Uncles. Grandparents. Friends. Friends of the Family. Dad. Wife. I’ve known loss. If you are reading this, chances are you have too. For all the many, many wakes and funerals I have been to one thing has continuously ...
We're thrilled to announce a new partnership that will bring our resources in front of The Mighty wide-reaching readership. We will now have a growing home page on The Mighty and appear on many stories on the site. The Mighty ...
Hello ladies, it is a privilege to share here a little bit of my heart. I'd never claim to be an expert widow. We are all walking through foreign territory looking for hope as a widow. We are like the caterpillar ...
As 2016 came to a close, I mentally made a checklist of all the things I had to accomplish before the clock struck midnight. The house was immaculate – except for the camping tent pitched in the corner of my living ...
My boyfriend pillows. Jared Leto and Channing Tatum. Thanks for not getting jealous when I come to bed in my husbands jacket, boys. We will all make it through another year, I promise! Try some or all of these ...