The last thing I was looking forward to was re-entering the dating scene after 20+ years as a married woman. In fact, something Rick used to say came to mind: “I’d rather poke hot needles in my eyes.” And that’s ...
My life right now is In chaos. My new husband moved in last week. And that has turned my world into a tailspin. My emotions are all over the place. My stomach is in knots. I feel like I don’t ...
In one week, my new husband will arrive here in Florida. We will no longer have two homes, in two different states. We will no longer have a long distance marriage. We will finally be a married couple, living under ...
I am organizing my house to make room for my new husband since he is planning to move here in two weeks. Finally, we will no longer have a long distance marriage. But reorganizing my home to start a life ...
I’ve been a widow for 3 years now. All you have to do is read any post on this site to know that this journey is one filled with sadness, pain, suffering, confusion, anger, and hope. You’ll find women with ...
I have been thinking about love. And how it changes. Changes people. Changes relationships. Changes over time. Love changed my life 21 years ago when I met Jared and again 2.5 years ago when I met Jon. Compared to ...
I met someone 5 months after Jerry died. Very unexpectedly. We became friends because I was not ready to think about another relationship. It slowly grew into something wonderful. Now almost 2 years later after meeting him, we are still ...
I catch myself talking out loud a lot when I’m alone in the car. Luckily, nowadays, the passengers in the cars around me assume I’m on a hands-free phone, so it doesn’t seem strange to see me alone gabbing away ...
For the past few months, life has been pretty good. I have my vision board in place, and lots of activities and plans and dreams for my future that keep me occupied. I’ve been writing up a storm, and was ...