Well, I’ve done it. Made it through a full calendar year without my dear husband here by my side. I remember on New Year’s Eve last year, as 2019 arrived, I was filled with such dread and sorrow. It was ...
Once you make it through the first year after losing someone, everyone seems to take a deep breath and get back to their regularly scheduled lives. You’ve made it through the one year milestones, the calls and messages slow down, ...
In light of Children's Grief Awareness Day I thought I would share my story about how I learned to mother alone and build a new life for my hurting boys. My boys were quite small when their daddy died ...
As a solo widowed mom, I often think that I have to be extra careful. That nothing can happen to me. Because if I die, there is no one left to love my child completely, unconditionally in a way only ...
Parents love their children in a manner that cannot be explained. A love that makes you willing to give your life for someone else. A love that makes your own happiness less important than theirs. A love that parents understand ...
My son started high school today. My little baby is now a high school freshman. I’m not exactly sure how that happened. I swear just yesterday I was rocking him to sleep. And how he’s playing on his high school ...
Since becoming a widow, I inadvertently learned a new emotional vocabulary. One of which I didn’t know even existed. Words such as survivor’s guilt, solo parenting, grief triggers, and duality would have carried zero weight in my life had I ...