I missed my last blog post. I couldn’t find any words. I think maybe because I knew the first big day was fast approaching and I wanted to say whatever I could think of for this post. And now it’s ...
Seven years. Seven years ago today you changed my life forever. I wouldn’t trade a second of any of it even if the outcome was the same. Not the hard moments and not the sad moments, all of them meant ...
Today has been a very griefy day. I felt very alone as a parent. My son’s babysitter is sick and I asked the only other options I had if they could watch him and they couldn’t, so I had to ...
Christmas came and went. It was just another day on the calendar of this never ending year. I’m relieved it’s over. I don’t believe this loss will ever get easier. But I do think some days will be harder, and ...
Everyone says in grief, you lose people. But the truth is, I think you lose people that you never really had. I think it clears the weeds from your garden. It is shocking how true this is though. People that ...
I writing from my son’s bedroom floor. He’s been struggling to sleep the past 6 weeks or so after sleeping like an angel baby his whole life. I don’t know what it is that’s bothering him, all I know is ...
Tomorrow is Halloween. It was my husband‘s favorite holiday (and Thanksgiving, because of the food). He loved dressing up and putting on a show, he always had. It brought him to life. It’s what he loved so much about being ...
Tonight I ate Popcorners for dinner. I just couldn’t make an another decision and they were sitting in front of my face as I stared into the pantry for the fifth time trying to decide what to have for dinner. ...
When I’ve gone to write posts for this blog, the words just fell out of me. But not this time. This time it doesn’t feel like I have any words to give. Sometimes it feels like this is all I ...
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. I believe it’s so important. And I think those sharing and posting and making it their mission are so important. And, I think they are lacking in the full picture. The messages of “please ...