It will be almost 3 years since my husband passed away and also the third holiday season.
And every year I have big plans to make memories with my daughter of tobogganing and baking cookies. Chilling and watching movies. No ...
You’d think that the worst part of becoming a widow is, well, the obvious: losing your husband. If and when you actually become one, though, you are forced to learn that the physical loss of the man you exchanged ...
Around this time of year, newly grieving people (and some seasoned veterans) start looking for help, answers, any sort of guidance that they can find on how to handle the holidays now that one of their most precious people is ...
Moment By Moment We have 19 days left in this year and I must admit time flew by yet at the same time moved slowly. I have been having some rough moments a lot more, I've realized that I can ...
We all do it-- at least we think we do it. But, breathing is also something we usually do not do very well. We usually breathe without giving it any thought. To truly benefit from breathing, we need to give ...
When I was running a couple of weeks ago, I rubbed my thumb against my ring finger to wiggle my wedding band. I’ve been widowed for four years and stopped wearing my rings well over three years ago. The phantom ...
You may scoff like many people have, but it’s true. Social media, mostly Facebook, saved my life. No, they are NOT paying me to say it either. I still hear that I spend too much time online, but being online ...
It didn’t hurt until it hurt. Like hot lava running in my veins. I balled up my fists and put a smile on. I knew it was coming. Eventually all feelings come full circle. This decision had been mine. Made ...
One evening my friend (who became my husband) and I were sitting in his dorm room getting ready to go to the end of semester banquet. He looked at me and said, I like you. I laughed and said, ...