The past few weeks I have been pondering the meaning of the word respect. It seems that a fair amount of posts on social media are written about this subject. In fact, the last post I read said, “Once you ...
Guilt…such a small word; nevertheless, no matter how unwarranted the guilt can be, it carries a gut, wrenching punch. Guilt engulfed my being and took root after my husband’s death as I wrestled with the fact that I wasn’t with ...
Before my husband Ray died, I used to "go along, to get along." In fact, I think I spent my life trying to please others. For example, I would do or say whatever I thought would make someone else's life ...
Note: This was originally posted at on 11/1/13 Last Monday marked one year since FHA died. I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel that day and can confirm my brain went “BLURP” and took the day off. ...
The picture "The Good Samaritan" by Liz Lemon Swindle hangs in my living room. It is a modern-day depiction of the biblical story. It was given to me by a local non-profit organization after my husband died. He served on ...
During my life, I have often sought permission from others to go ahead and do what my heart was telling me. This habit hasn’t always served me well. Consequently, today I want to suggest the following to my widow sisters. ...
Tomorrow my youngest graduates from high school. A few weeks ago, I read an interview with Lesa France Kennedy. Ms. Kennedy is the NASCAR vice chairperson and International Speedway Corporation CEO and is a widow. In this interview, she was ...
Last week, a friend shared with me his heartache concerning the passing of one of his friends. He was overwhelmed with emotions; however, more notably, he was worried about what to say to his friend’s widow. He felt lost, almost ...
I finished a book. In fact, I have finished two books!!!! I love to read! I've been an avid reader my whole life. After Ray died, I developed a problem with my ability to concentrate. I would start a book ...