I love road trips and being in the car. It’s always been when I think. Maybe because as someone who has been a mother from a young age it is the only moment I get all to myself or maybe ...
Guys. Parenting is freaking hard. I vividly remember that evening in late August when two pink lines (and later a Clearblue “pregnant”) revealed that Nate and I had created life together and would soon be entering the unknown chapter of ...
Since becoming a widow, I inadvertently learned a new emotional vocabulary. One of which I didn’t know even existed. Words such as survivor’s guilt, solo parenting, grief triggers, and duality would have carried zero weight in my life had I ...
I became a widow almost nineteen years ago. Though I was still walking, talking, and taking care of our children, I discovered that my life merely became a means of surviving each day. Of course, at the age of 33 ...
I am currently sitting in the waiting area of Nelson’s Journey, a local charity that supports children through bereavement. We first made contact with them for my son almost 5 years ago. He never met his dad because he ...
Back and forth, back and forth... The rain was falling steadily and the windshield wipers were moving quickly....I felt as if this was lulling me to sleep. My eyes began to close... My eyes can't close; I'm driving! "Wake up, ...
As far as grandmas go, mine was pretty cool. When I was young, there were so many ways I hoped to grow up like her. There was one way I did not – becoming a young widow. I was 45 ...
What about our Children?? When my husband left this world my life as I knew it instantly changed. Not only did my life change but my boy's lives have been forever changed as well. The pain of ...
To be honest the words are not flowing as I wanted today. I am in a battle. I see casualties strewn across this vast field of grief. My knees worn from praying for peace and my armor is dented from so ...