Sign up here: Grief is omnipotent When we feel tremendously alone, we check in online to vent about our demons. Everyone grieves differently, we know this, we understand this yet we all connect through grief. Some people grieve by ...
To be honest the words are not flowing as I wanted today. I am in a battle. I see casualties strewn across this vast field of grief. My knees worn from praying for peace and my armor is dented from so ...
Those nights, the dreadful, pain wincing nights staring up at the vast whiteness of the ceiling listening to the sweet low breaths of my dog Bodie. In the days immediately after my husband George died, I would stay up crying ...
I have battled with losing my father since the age of 6. At 43 I finally worked up enough courage to share how losing him infected my life. I want to share a letter that I wrote him once I ...
The black hole of grief. This thought has been on my mind for a couple of months now. The idea of being in a place that is so vast, so dark and so void of life… is a sobering thought ...
Guilt…such a small word; nevertheless, no matter how unwarranted the guilt can be, it carries a gut, wrenching punch. Guilt engulfed my being and took root after my husband’s death as I wrestled with the fact that I wasn’t with ...
Last week, a friend shared with me his heartache concerning the passing of one of his friends. He was overwhelmed with emotions; however, more notably, he was worried about what to say to his friend’s widow. He felt lost, almost ...
“You don’t know where I’ve been or what I’ve had to overcome because you have never had to. You’ve never lost the love of your life. You’ve never cried over the body of the person you love most in this ...
Five months after my husband’s demise, our oldest daughter got married. The day was immensely bittersweet engulfed with a kaleidoscope of rollercoaster emotions. A few months later, a dear aunt passed away. As I attended her funeral, my spirit was ...
Dealing with my own widow grief is harrowing; however, dealing with my daughters’ pain is beyond paralyzing. One is an adult and married, my other is 16 and as I have written about before, she has autism and requires 24 ...