Welcome to the Hope for Widows Foundation New Website Hope for Widows Foundation launches new website. The Directors have the heart, understanding and the commitment that it takes to serve our growing community. The website update has been close to ...
Most of my friends are people that I have never met. They live in my phone and anytime I need something, they are always only a couple of clicks away. That is the beauty of technology. And social media. If ...
Baby steps. Open your eyes. That’s one. Get out of bed. That’s two. Breathe. That’s three. This is how it has to be in the beginning. Gentle and unassuming because grief is not. The cycle is exhausting, it tries to ...
GOD, I trust you so much I have many days and moments when I am just in a trance. I walk moment by moment. Sometimes I don’t know what to say, so I ...
“Mommy, there are pilots at the door.” Those seven words, those simple syllables, they changed everything. When I came to, I made the necessary phone calls, at first it came out as a whisper and ...
Lately I have been sucked into a very intense grief storm. Every time I think I can breathe again, another wave comes crashing in. Even after reaching out and utilizing my resources, ...
It finally happened. I'd read about it in some widow groups that I'm a member of, but had never personally experienced it myself. I've even had the audacity to think to myself, "Wow, these women know some really insensitive people!" ...
I instantly recognized the masturbating woman in my husband’s saved email file. I could hear her children playing in the next room. I could see her wedding photos on the wall behind the bed she was lying (and sometimes bent over) on. I admired her bed frame as she began moaning my husband’s name. ...
Dear Hope Sisters: When the Directors of the Hope for Widows Foundation asked me to post something in honor of the Jewish High Holidays and our Jewish Hope Sisters, I truly began to think. This thinking seemed to be ...