When you are going through loss, it really is true that you don’t just lose your spouse or loved one but you lose your norm. You lose invitations to normal things because people are afraid to invite you without him. ...
As widows, we have so many things we might long for, but there are times when I literally BEG God to show me Shane. A breeze with his soapy smell wrapped inside of it, the subtle song of a wind ...
Being a remarried widow is tough. It’s hard to not compare my current situation to my present one. And honestly, it is something I rarely if ever do. My two loves are completely different people My late husband was the ...
When Jared died, I thought I would never survive. I could not imagine surviving. Couldn’t picture my life without him. Certainly never thought I would date. Love again. And absolutely would never get married again. He was the great love ...
Recently, I found myself at a social event. Ok, it was a bonfire. Actually a keg party around a bonfire. I had a legitimate reason to be there--the party was for a friend’s birthday and I went with my sister-in-law, ...
Today is opening day for the Cincinnati Reds and its an amazingly beautiful day outside. As I sit here writing and people watching something came to. Which was I realized that there’s a lot of people in the world who ...
I always thought Nate would be my last kiss...My first love and my last love. I felt that we had that storybook romance, and I always felt so fortunate that we met one another so early in life. He was ...
If there was one thing I never expected, it was to ever be single again. I mean, I know divorces happen, but I waited until I was forty to marry because I wanted to be sure that Mr. Right was ...
Guilt is a widow’s best friend. Every window I know has felt guilty about something along their journey. Things they could control, things they couldn’t control, things that were in no way their responsibility. Yet every widow I know has ...
One thing I can definitely say about my life, is that it did not go as planned. Almost 19 years ago I stood in the church and said I do to my husband. Vowed to love him until death ...