I used to love a boy named Phillip. He was nineteen and I was twenty-one. It was 2004 and we were both addicts together. He of drugs that had slangs I had never even heard of, and I of loveless sex and sexless love. ...
My birthday month. Sometimes fun. And sometimes tough. It was the summer of 2002. We started dating in June. July, the month I fell in love with you. After one year together, and eight long years apart. We started talking ...
To the widow who feels aged, out-of-date or useless in the dating game: You're not alone and here are a few tips that I've developed specifically for you... You’ve grieved long enough and cried enough tears to age yourself twenty ...
What really matters? I've asked this a hundred times over the last 3 years since my husband's diagnosis of cancer. Before he passed, in the early stages of cancer diagnosis shock, what mattered was fighting it. Our lives were consumed ...
I finally did it. I attended a wedding. And ... it was magical! I wrote a blog last year during the holidays about my issue with attending weddings. Attending weddings for me was non-existent. My fear was powerful...until now. I've ...
The other night I happened to be in a jacuzzi with three men and a bottle of whiskey. You know, just a typical Sunday night for Yours Truly. As whiskey-laced conversations often go, ours became deeper with each pour. A ...
I think that anybody who has followed me from the start or takes the time to read my work will agree that my writings are an expression of true love, raw grief and an undying hope for a better tomorrow. This post is ...
***The Widow Bomb: The precise moment someone realizes you are widowed; the beginning of said person’s rude, insensitive and/or awkward treatment of you; the end of your relationship with said person. ***image from DivantArt Step 1: The Build First and ...
During my life, I have often sought permission from others to go ahead and do what my heart was telling me. This habit hasn’t always served me well. Consequently, today I want to suggest the following to my widow sisters. ...
I am celebrating a small, yet significant, victory this week: I stood up for myself without having to think it through first. When it was time to let another person know what I found acceptable or not, my response naturally ...