I missed my last blog post. I couldn’t find any words. I think maybe because I knew the first big day was fast approaching and I wanted to say whatever I could think of for this post. And now it’s ...
It’s funny what you remember after a loved one dies. All the little details get stored in your brain like one big flash drive of memories just waiting to be downloaded at a moment’s notice. But nothing jogs the memory ...
What are secondary losses? Professionals whom counsel regarding grief and loss often use a term called “secondary losses” to describe the losses experienced in addition to and because of the death of your loved one. For example, not just losing ...
Why do so many say that the second year of grief is worse than the first? Is it the fact that in the first year, you imagine that by the end of that year some sort of former happiness ...
I read a news article yesterday, and the reporter stated that the widow was “still“ struggling with her grief one year later. And that word, still bothered me so very much. Upset me greatly. Of course she is “still“ struggling ...