At some point during my first year of (at times) paralyzing grief, I sought out opportunities to address it. At no point did I feel like I hid from my grief. Because I knew my husband would die, I made ...
Rick and I were married on July 12, 1997. He died one month after our twentieth anniversary. This Friday will mark the second time I’ve spent our anniversary alone. In a way, it’s almost the third time, because on our ...
August 13th, 2019 will mark twelve years since my husband, Ali, passed away. It's still hard to believe it's been more than a decade since he left this planet. I still remember details of the day he closed his ...
I’ve been having issues with impatience lately. I mean, I’ve always been one to want something done ASAP. In my late teens, I remember painting my parents’ living room in one day. The room had needed a new coat of ...
“Women are nearly twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder in their lifetime.” -ADAA, Anxiety and Depression Association of America. I found this website to be particularly helpful in many ways. They have a variety ...
I met someone 5 months after Jerry died. Very unexpectedly. We became friends because I was not ready to think about another relationship. It slowly grew into something wonderful. Now almost 2 years later after meeting him, we are still ...
I catch myself talking out loud a lot when I’m alone in the car. Luckily, nowadays, the passengers in the cars around me assume I’m on a hands-free phone, so it doesn’t seem strange to see me alone gabbing away ...
Father's Day is hard. The End. This could literally be this whole post and that would probably ring true to so many of you. My dad didn't live with us after I turned 9. He had, and still has, another ...
So, I wrote a novel. Actually, it’s my second novel…and today, June 11th, is its official release day. It’s entitled Good Buddy and is a story about loss, love, family relationships, second chances, and ultimately…stepfathers and fatherhood. It’s a novel written ...
I lost one pound this week. My winter diet of donuts and wine was not working out after all. It was fun while it lasted, but it’s time for me to take back control. I’ve had enough to hurt about, ...