Table for One, Redefined: My Guide to Minimalist "Cooking" Trying to cook in my first year of grief was baffling. I used to find joy in cooking/baking and creating a dinner atmosphere for two. I also clearly remember that ...
I’m on the cusp of a new life, but it's difficult to leave the old one behind. And, if I’m honest with myself, I feel guilty and sad, regretful that I have been able to survive without Rick, that I ...
I wake up everyday with a heavy heart. It is difficult to feel so sad all the time, especially during the holiday season when it is supposed to be a happy time. I know the holidays are difficult for so ...
Christmas is just one week away. Whether you have decided to experience a little holiday gumption, try out some holiday planning, or tune out the day altogether (I completely understand), I want to share my treasured go-to anxiety hack with ...
Do you ever, among the legions of “to-dos” on the To Do List after his death, keep a few to-dos undone…just to let the reminders of his once vibrant, active life pick furiously at the smattering of wounds from your ...
"It gets better." Let me begin this post with an honest disclaimer: I never thought I would ever say those words. How does the death of a spouse ever get better? I never would have believed it either. I never ...
Grief and trauma have a petrifying effect on the human body. I remember clearly in my first year of widowhood how difficult it was to just move. If I was on the floor, moving to the chair felt impossible. I ...
Give me all things funny, motivational, name it! Inspiration on a daily basis especially on social media is a top priority. It is important. It is life-giving. One of these inspirations for me is author, Susie Larson. I mean, ...
That night replays in my mind more often than I can control...Mostly when restlessness takes over after waking before the sun has even risen...My mind won't shut down, and despite my best efforts, that night repeats over and over making ...
In my last post I wrote about the value of holiday planning and how the choices I made (and didn’t make) affected the outcome of the holidays. Since that first year, I have tried so hard to push through avoiding ...