At the YMCA pool every weekday morning at 5:30am you can find 4 people. The lifeguard, 2 lap swimmers, and me. You can also find near silence. Aside from the swish of the water and the hum of the pumps, ...
National Grief Awareness Day is upon us again. I don’t think we can actually say that we are celebrating the day because let's be honest, nobody wants to celebrate grief as much as it is a day to bring awareness ...
Why does widowhood have to be so lonely? There are so many losses and changes that are in and of themselves isolating. Then to compound matters, often the people we once spent so much time with start pulling away - ...
Once again, it’s the worst week of the year and I’m trying to make the best of it. My husband died on August 13, 2017. His birthday is August 23rd. The year he died, those 10 days were a fog ...
The last thing I was looking forward to was re-entering the dating scene after 20+ years as a married woman. In fact, something Rick used to say came to mind: “I’d rather poke hot needles in my eyes.” And that’s ...
Maybe we don't talk about the dark days enough. Maybe we don't write about them enough. That early grief, that raw mourning. Maybe once we begin to move forward through our grief journey and time passes, we simply just don't ...
At some point during my first year of (at times) paralyzing grief, I sought out opportunities to address it. At no point did I feel like I hid from my grief. Because I knew my husband would die, I made ...
The mind of a solo parent is like a one legged duck trying to swim. I am in constant turmoil with what the right thing to say or do might be and my biggest concern is trying so hard to ...
Rick and I were married on July 12, 1997. He died one month after our twentieth anniversary. This Friday will mark the second time I’ve spent our anniversary alone. In a way, it’s almost the third time, because on our ...
“Women are nearly twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder in their lifetime.” -ADAA, Anxiety and Depression Association of America. I found this website to be particularly helpful in many ways. They have a variety ...