I just returned from a fabulous, unforgettable honeymoon with my new husband. One I never imagined I’d take. When I married Jared in 2000, I never thought I have another husband. Another wedding. Another honeymoon. After Jared died, I assumed ...
The famous yogi saying “let go of what no longer serves you” was a mindset my heart could not comprehend, let alone understand, until a level of healing had happened in my grief journey. The day I was able to ...
We used to have a favorite Chinese restaurant, my husband and I. It was this little hole-in-the-wall type place across the street from our apartment. I don't remember how my husband came across that place, but once he brought it ...
Tomorrow would have been my 23rd wedding anniversary. I think it still is, though, even though my husband is no longer here with me and I’m no longer married…have no husband…am no one’s wife. The anniversary date doesn’t change. 23 years ...
When Jared died, I thought I would never survive. I could not imagine surviving. Couldn’t picture my life without him. Certainly never thought I would date. Love again. And absolutely would never get married again. He was the great love ...
Recently, I found myself at a social event. Ok, it was a bonfire. Actually a keg party around a bonfire. I had a legitimate reason to be there--the party was for a friend’s birthday and I went with my sister-in-law, ...
Counseling. Yes or no? For me, it was a definite yes. When my late husband died, I immediately sought out counseling for my son and myself. I wanted us to have someone to help guide us through the difficult ...
Today I am wistful for a different time. For a time when I always knew exactly where I stood. For a time when I didn’t worry about everything. For a time when I knew beyond a doubt ...
If I had a penny for every time someone has told me to “pray” or “find God” or “leave it in God’s hands” or any variant of that, I would be filthy rich. After Adrian’s death, people have been quick ...
Sometimes You’ve Gotta Fake Joy To Get To The Real Thing This was me 4 years ago, faking joy, 420 feet above the Skokomish River on the High Steel Bridge in my home state of Washington. This truss arch ...