I am an avid reader, and I have been since I was small, when I first learned that the weird little markings on the pages of a book could magically tell my brain a story. Multiple genres could be considered ...
In my writing course this week, we studied a poem by a poet named Li-Young Li. It was about devouring peaches and “taking what we love inside.” When the instructor recited a line from the poem - There are days ...
Since Monty was killed, every day has been difficult. At night in my bed, I surround myself with pillows to mask the emptiness. When I wake up, I force myself to begin my morning routine which is very different. It ...
Today, I post bilingually for the first time. Hoy, escribo mi primer post bilingüe. I’ve just passed the 11-month mark. For a while, I thought I was doing fine—especially since I managed to get through the 23rd without shedding a tear. ...
I married my best friend in autumn—two became one. Finding my true love and then tragically losing him literally crushed my heart and weighed down my soul. My deep love for him created this very deep grief that doesn’t go ...
Even the significance behind numbers has changed. He passed away on December 23rd (2023) at 1:30 pm. Today it’s October 14th (2024), 8:30 am. It’s been 295 days, 18 hours and 30 minutes. The 23rd of every month is marked ...
Anger is stage two, according to the five stages of grief. Widows know that there are no stages but rather a flurry of emotions that occur all at once or independently and repeat randomly. Anger can be difficult to deal ...
Do you have the feeling it all happened too fast, that you seem to have been robbed of something precious? I feel terrible at times because he used to always tell me that I work too hard, that I should ...
As mothers, we spent much of the first years of our children's life trying to protect them. From holding hands, to forcing sunscreen on wiggly toddlers, to buckling them in the car safely, to kissing scraped knees. It can ...
It's that time, again. The ten-day period between the anniversary of Rick's death and his birthday, the day we held his celebration of life. August 13th to August 23rd, 2017: the most painful time of my life. After seven years, ...