Growing up, I’d sleep with the hallway light on to be safe from the monsters of darkness.When I was four, five or six years old if I heard a stir, real or not, I’d climb out of bed and pitter-patter ...
Zentangle art work above by author, Jill Hochman I used to doodle in class or in meetings. Well, it turns out doodling is actually helpful for concentration and stress relief. I was doodling to help me understand, stay focused, and ...
Dear Hope for Widows Community, Today, August 30, 2017, is National Grief Awareness Day. One might say, Why is there a need for such a day? That would be a great question. In 2013, Angie Cartwright, founded National Grief Awareness ...
My husband passed away the Monday before Thanksgiving. It was also the week of my ten-year high school reunion. I wasn’t thankful for anything, and I wasn’t going to rekindle friendships with anyone. Instead, I found myself talking to the ...
The difficult detail when explaining yourself on days when grief appears is figuring out where to start. I was married but now I’m not. Or am I? He died three and a half years ago, so I’m not. But ...
Last week as I attempted to sort through my old clothes, I came across a top that had the Esprit logo printed on it. I had modeled this garment years ago in a fashion show. It was one of my ...
Each time I visit my husband’s grave, in attempts to do something fostering for my spirit, I first visit an eclectic, home décor shop. Their designs feature a mix of old and new with upscale, unique pieces. During each trip a ...
Writing has always been cathartic for me. Although, I never comprehended that I would be writing as an author for Hope for Widows. My husband, my soul mate, my partner in times of bliss and adversity, and love of my ...
To paraphrase William Shakespeare’s words in Hamlet: To be normal or not to be normal? That is the question. After experiencing huge changes in your life, a popular buzz word you may hear that is used to try to help ...