I consider August 25, 2021 the single darkest day of my life. The news from the hospital that my beloved husband of over 38 years had succumbed to the deadly virus known as Covid-19 was devastating, a crushing, visceral blow, ...
“You look like shit.” That’s what my oldest brother said to me as I got in the car one morning. It was the summer of 1983, and I was a junior in high school. As part of our morning routine, ...
Many will look at this photo and just see a mother and daughter. They might notice the similarities in the two or the matching shirts. They may even make note of their happy smiles. When I look at this photo, ...
Have you received an invite? Invitations to events such as weddings carry conflicting and challenging emotions when you no longer have a partner. In the past, an invitation was the certainty of an evening filled with merriment and dance as ...
Why Don't You Get Out There & Date??? Are you tired of hearing these questions? Why are you so picky What are you waiting for Are you putting yourself “out there” Singles are "singled" out everywhere There is no denying ...
I’ve not found a good way to tell someone that I’m a widow. A few months after Seth passed away, I went out with some neighbors for a mom’s night out. It was much needed and so good to laugh ...
This is the first blog I’ve written in 7 months. Reason being is that this past year has been hard. In fact, it’s been hardest year I’ve ever had. And that includes the year Seth died. It’s been a hard ...
Today I celebrate and honour my fur baby on his 8th birthday. Can you imagine surviving death without their unconditional support? I cannot. Welcome Audi Audi came into my life weeks after the unexpected death of my hubby. At the ...
“If we threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d grab ours back.” – Regina Brett Can this quote possibly hold true for a widow? Initially we are not able to look beyond our own self after ...
I had an opportunity recently to learn a valuable lesson I hope to remind myself again and again throughout the year. Setting the scene This past week I was locked out of my car in the late afternoon on a ...