God’s consistent love and guidance is a gift we can count on in this very uncertain and difficult world we live in. As widows, no matter how fresh our sorrow is, or how long we already traveled with grief as ...
The loss of our husband in our lives is a very difficult thing. Some widows may lose hope in the wake of their husband’s departure from their lives. We did everything together and life was shared in a partnership we ...
Spring is in the air! When we think of Spring, we are usually filled with restored hope in the optimistic promise life is renewed and fresh starts are possible. Tender green leaves and beautiful blossoms adorn the trees and bushes ...
When life is calm and things are going along smoothly like we hope they will, we may settle into feeling we are in control and can keep this going. When a massive life changing event throws that framework into chaos ...
Finding our rendezvous with the restart of our life since the death of our husband can take a long time. Restarting our life after such a devastating loss is a process. We need time to process our feelings, emotions, and ...
As Valentines Day looms before us, the media channels, commercials, and shops are all decorated with hearts and cupids while they play endless love songs. Couples everywhere are planning romantic outings and preparing gifts to express their love to one ...
Every now and then I hear one of those old songs from the 1940s that my parents used to listen to, and - wow - do those lyrics hit! The other night, as I lay awake in bed (as usual), I ...
Widows are searching for comfort. We find ourselves thrust into a whole new life when our soul mate and life partner we confided in, loved, and shared every aspect of our life with, is suddenly permanently removed from our physical ...
Transitioning through grief is part of life’s incredible journey. Everyone experiences numerous opportunities for transformation and reinvention. The chapters of our life will include adventures, learning, and dreams. There will also be chapters where sorrow, loss, and uncertainty will be ...
New years are usually preceded by celebration along with fireworks and music. There is reflection on the events of 2023 and resolutions for 2024. The resolutions are intended to help us improve how we feel about ourselves and reestablish our ...