On August 30, 2023 we are encouraged to participate in the tenth annual National Grief Awareness Day. Angie Cartwright founded this movement in 2014 with the hope to foster open communication on loss and bereavement and better inform everyone on ...
God created us to be in relationship. We are healthier and happier when we develop meaningful relationships with people we can trust. Finding fellowship with other people we have important common bonds with is essential to build this kind of ...
Weaving through widowhood is a process we go through as we find a way to blend the life we had with our husband into a future without him. His physical presence is gone. We live on and discover things about ...
Transformational change occurs when a person or family makes a fundamental change in how they live. It's often triggered by a dramatic change of surroundings, conditions, or influences. The loss of a significant person from your life can bring transformational ...
It’s funny what you remember after a loved one dies. All the little details get stored in your brain like one big flash drive of memories just waiting to be downloaded at a moment’s notice. But nothing jogs the memory ...
It's possible for widows to find meaning and purpose in life again, even while acknowledging the pain of grief may never completely go away. We can choose to move forward in a positive way. The key is to be patient ...
God’s been writing our story from the beginning. He knew who we are when He created us. Our story doesn’t end when we fall in the potholes of life that seem to manage to deflate our tires, wreak havoc on ...
Rediscovering Hope as a Widow Miriam Webster defines hope as “desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment.” What do you desire as a widow? For me, it’s mostly the same thing I wanted as a wife: to ...