Finding our way forward after the death of our husband is not as easy as some would like us to believe. The grief we face is far more than being sad we lost our husband. Depending on how long we ...
I thought everything was fine, until it wasn’t. Shortly after my husband passed away nearly two years ago, I realized that envy from family members is a very real thing, and the depth of that envy is more than I ...
One of the things I miss the most about my husband was our strong emotional connection. We shared a common unspoken language by staying alert and knowledgeable of each other’s needs, problems, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. It was ...
National Widows Day this year is on Wednesday, May 3, 2023. National Widows Day was established to heighten awareness of the struggles and hardships many widows experience after the death of her husband. The Hope for Widows Foundation reminds us ...
We organize and bring order to our lives with time and seasons. We use clocks and calendars, weights and measures, and history and future to mark the places, experiences and events of our journey to make it possible to relate ...
Within the first few months after my husband died, I very quickly learned that grief can be a lot of things: anguish, pain, anger, love, numbness. I mean, there are five stages after all. One word I haven’t heard when ...
The journey through grief is really a trek through transition. This is especially true for a widow. Our life with our husband is so completely different than the life we find after he moves to Heaven. It is an ongoing ...
What do you do when your heart is broken and you don’t feel like you have anyone to share it with? Sometimes the sadness gets you down. We’re not all blessed with those people in our lives we can lean ...
Have you ever wished you could have a do over? To change choices you made, but with the knowledge you have now? Life is full of challenges, obstacles, and defining moments. In fact we do have the option of changing ...
Navigating through the days, weeks… even moments at times… of our journey through life after losing our husband can range from uncomfortable to formidable, and prayerfully eventually stabilize to some degree. Over time we learn to grow even as we ...