God built us for relationship. He wants to have a relationship with us and created us in His image. It is our very nature to seek out relationships. We depend on our closest friends and family to help us navigate ...
When we find ourselves lost, deep in the pain of grief, we often cry out… why? Most widows reach a point when we wonder why God would allow such a thing to happen to us or our family. Our expectations, ...
Grief is the evidence of love. When you opened your heart to love another person, you gave grief a master key to your heart. Now grief has permission to come and go as it pleases. Grief is a very complex ...
Most widows undergo a dramatic change in their identity after the loss of their husband. Everything that was ordinary and comfortable in a life shared with the person they lived in covenant with is altered. Most of us wrapped our ...
Grief is a puzzle you and God complete together. The way each widow experiences the pain and brokenness that overtakes her life after her husband goes to heaven is as individual and unique as each person’s fingerprint. The grief that ...
I was like a speeding locomotive with no brakes. A few months after my husband went to Heaven, I was forced to quarantine at the onset of the pandemic. My speeding locomotive crashed and crashed hard. It’s taken me a ...
In my 2524 days as a widow, I have learned so much. Death, grief, and survival have taught me more than I can write about. I have learned I am blessed to have those who are here to help ...
"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Proverbs 4:23 Guard your heart. That is what I do now. I want the normal of years past but in doing our normal things I am opening ...
Let’s begin a discussion about death and grief and send that elephant out the door. To enable this, society requires an open dialogue that provides education and empathy regarding the true reality of the grief journey. A shift in the ...
Grief is certainly not a one-way street. Grief doesn’t have arrows pointing down a yellow brick road for us to follow. I have found that grief really has no real definition other than: it’s complicated. I was fine, or so ...