How many tears have you cried since your husband died? Probably enough to fill an ocean; or so it may seem. In the beginning, however long that may be, it feels as if they are non-stop. The slightest thing can ...
Since Monty was killed, every day has been difficult. At night in my bed, I surround myself with pillows to mask the emptiness. When I wake up, I force myself to begin my morning routine which is very different. It ...
I married my best friend in autumn—two became one. Finding my true love and then tragically losing him literally crushed my heart and weighed down my soul. My deep love for him created this very deep grief that doesn’t go ...
Grief is an Emotional Roller Coaster. Stop the ride, please! I want to get off. This grief journey seems to be the longest roller coaster ride of changing emotions that I never actually chose to get in line to ...
It was May 6, 2022, the Friday before Mother’s Day, and I was very excited for the weekend. Monty had great plans; he always made every holiday special. I walked into the office and there were quite a few people ...
Fear: Grief's Constant Companion The life of widowhood and journey of grief seem to be inseparably paired with fear. Fear is grief’s constant companion. Fear of an unknown future. Fear that I have lost my identity. Fear of facing the ...
What kind of widow are you? & What kind would you like to be? Widow is a word that feels tattooed to my flesh against my will. Try as I might to scrub it away, conceal it, or pretend I ...
In Praise of Solo Mamas: 15 Ways They Amaze Me Recently I was seated among a handful of Moms whom are home schooling their children. I find myself in these social circles a couple times a week, and per usual, ...
When Should I Stop Wearing My Wedding Ring? ….If ever? I look down at my wedding ring and the anniversary band beside it regularly, twirling the diamonds back to their proper centered position. Depending on the day, I either smile ...
Within the first few months after my husband died, I very quickly learned that grief can be a lot of things: anguish, pain, anger, love, numbness. I mean, there are five stages after all. One word I haven’t heard when ...