Losing a loved one is an inevitable part of the human experience, casting us into a space of grief that is complex and insurmountable. Yet, within this emotional maze, there are ways to navigate grief to reduce suffering and rediscover your joy. In this article, we’ll explore seven practical strategies to move forward with your grief and move forward with hope.

1. Acknowledge and Express Your Emotions

Grief, a natural response to loss, is an integral part of the healing process. Suppressing emotions can hinder this journey, making it crucial to acknowledge and express these feelings. Creating a safe space to articulate emotions, whether through journaling, talking to friends, or seeking professional support, allows for a more authentic healing experience.

2. Allow Yourself to Grieve Without Judgment

Society often imposes unrealistic expectations on grieving individuals to exhibit strength or “move on” within a certain amount of time. Recognizing the unique and personal nature of grief, it becomes crucial to allow oneself to grieve without judgment or external pressure. It’s perfectly okay to embrace a range of emotions without the burden of guilt, understanding that grief follows a distinct and individualized path.

3. Cultivate a Supportive Network

Surrounding yourself with a supportive network can significantly impact your grieving process. Having a network of friends, family, and or grief support that provides a safe space where emotions are understood, validated, and met with compassion aids in overcoming challenges and also contributes to building resilience. Grief needs to be witnessed, it needs validation and empathy, having supportive networks allows grieving individuals to navigate the ebb and flow of emotions without judgment.

4. Establish Meaningful Rituals and Memories

Creating rituals to honor the memory of a loved one offers comfort and a profound sense of connection. Grief healing requires one to integrate the loss into their life, and one effective way to achieve this is through the establishment of meaningful rituals. This could involve commemorating special anniversaries, creating a memorial, or upholding traditions that carry deep personal significance. Through these rituals, individuals find a meaningful avenue to navigate the complex emotions of grief and ensure that the essence of their loved one remains an integral part of their ongoing journey.

5. Prioritize Self-Care and Well-Being

Grief, a total body experience, takes a toll on both our physical and mental health, making self-care indispensable during this challenging time. Recognizing the interconnectedness of grief and health, it becomes essential to prioritize activities that promote overall well-being. Engage in practices such as exercise, maintain proper nutrition, and ensure adequate sleep to nurture not just the body but also the mind. This holistic approach to self-care is integral to navigating the complexities of grief, allowing individuals to address the profound impact it has on their physical and mental health.

6. Seek Professional Guidance

A professional who specializes in grief can offer guidance and provide valuable tools, guidance, perspective, and coping strategies tailored to your unique situation. Whether turning to a grief coach, counselor, or therapist seeking help is a meaningful step. These professionals offer tailored guidance, perspectives, and coping strategies to address the unique challenges of your situation. By tapping into their expertise, individuals can find a supportive space to navigate the complexities of grief, fostering healing and resilience on their journey.

7. Embrace The Duality

In the depths of heartbreak and grief, it’s crucial to acknowledge the persistent ‘light’ and goodness in your world. However, it’s equally important to tread carefully, ensuring that these glimpses of positivity don’t become avenues for escaping or avoiding the painful emotions inherent in grief. The duality of grief embraces an ‘AND’ rather than an ‘either-or’ situation. Recognizing this duality involves an integration of opposing emotions.

It’s about understanding that you can be devastated and grateful simultaneously. You’re allowed to feel profound sadness while also experiencing moments of happiness. This integration of emotions recognizes the complexity of grief—where joy and sorrow coexist. The reality is grief is not black or white; it lives in shades of gray, meaning one can simultaneously experience profound sorrow and find moments of gratitude, feel the weight of sadness yet glimpse moments of happiness. By navigating this emotional terrain with honesty and acceptance, you allow for a more authentic and compassionate approach to the multifaceted experience of grief.


In conclusion, the journey of overcoming grief and embracing life after loss requires a multifaceted approach that embraces the complexity of the human experience. It is vital to remain open to the potential of experiencing a fulfilling and joyful life even after a devastating loss. While you may not have the entire path laid out before you, simply being

open to the possibility and taking one step forward, then another, and another, is a courageous and transformative process. Life’s journey after loss is not about having all the answers but about acknowledging the potential for healing, growth, and renewed joy, one step at a time.


Author’s Bio:

Kelci Jager grew up on the sunny beaches of Southern California and first met her husband Collin at the age of 20. Instantly captivated by his good looks and charm, they quickly became inseparable. Married in 2003, they embarked on a journey to build a beautiful life together. Blessed with four amazing sons, their family became the center of their world. Life was grand; they had found happiness, success, and joy.

That was until extreme adversity struck: their boys were in an accident, their oldest son was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and then Collin received a devastating leukemia diagnosis. Kelci recounts this harrowing experience in her book, “A Million Miracles and the One That Never Came.” This inspirational story is about resilience, perseverance, faith, and love. Kelci takes you on an epic journey of hope as she searches for light amid the darkness while her world shatters around her.

Kelci is a certified life coach, grief coach, and registered nurse. She transformed her pain into purpose by founding her company, RISE with Grief. Through her work, she connects with others experiencing grief and loss, guiding them to transform their lives and reclaim their joy. To learn more about Kelci Jager and how to work with her, please visit RISEwithgrief.com.



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