It's that time, again. The ten-day period between the anniversary of Rick's death and his birthday, the day we held his celebration of life. August 13th to August 23rd, 2017: the most painful time of my life. After seven years, ...
Allowing myself to be happy, after the death of my husband, always felt a little like betrayal. It felt like I was shouting from the highest peaks that life without him was enjoyable, like I didn’t care that he had ...
"Fish out of water” and “odd one out” are both great ways to describe life as a 39-year-old widowed mom of three young girls trying to navigate the perils of getting a college education. The first big decision is what ...
Our battle started in March 2021. The first few months we were, as Barrie himself put it “in good spirits”. We did all the treatments, in his case chemo and radiotherapy. He seemed to have killed the monster. We considered ...
It hurts intensely just to breath. Everything externally around you or internally within you seems to trigger stabs directly into your heart. You feel gutted out, as if just a shell remains The center of your being feels shattered. A ...
Have you heard of Breathwork? According to Wikipedia, Breathwork is a term for various breathing practices in which the conscious control of breathing is said to influence a person's mental, emotional, or physical state, with a therapeutic effect. This concept is ...
God is clear in the Bible we can expect challenges. Endurance is not giving up. It is choosing to continue moving no matter the hardships. How many of us once thought grief was a temporary condition? Who among us once ...
This week will mark thirteen years since I lost my husband to a rare form of cancer. I get asked all the time by people who have just lost their spouse, “When does the pain go away?” The only thing ...