It’s now March. The weather is warming up, and if you haven't done so yet, it's time to start thinking about filing your income taxes. For many, still in the beginning of their widowhood journey, taxes can feel overwhelming. I ...
I love when a new year begins, it’s a time to spend time taking stock of yourself and the things that need to change. This year, my New Year resolution was to concentrate on self-care. Self-care is a word that ...
Since my husband died, the so-called “magic” of Christmas has been absent from my life. It is hard to create new traditions for your family while remembering the ones not there. When my husband passed away; my kids were 10, ...
All moms face weariness, but for a widowed mom, that weariness can be tenfold. When you become a mom, you hear catchy phrases to remind you to take care of yourself, like “an empty cup can't pour out anything” or ...
As mothers, we spent much of the first years of our children's life trying to protect them. From holding hands, to forcing sunscreen on wiggly toddlers, to buckling them in the car safely, to kissing scraped knees. It can ...
Learning to let people help you can be very hard. I have often had to bury my ego and seek help from my Mom or sometimes, in extreme cases, church. I enjoy being the giver much more than receiving. ...
"Fish out of water” and “odd one out” are both great ways to describe life as a 39-year-old widowed mom of three young girls trying to navigate the perils of getting a college education. The first big decision is what ...
This week will mark thirteen years since I lost my husband to a rare form of cancer. I get asked all the time by people who have just lost their spouse, “When does the pain go away?” The only thing ...