“Mrs. Johnson, we have to ask you to make a decision today,” the soft-spoken chaplain said as she offered me a box of tissues. It was at that very defining moment that I wanted to quit. Up until that point, ...
I've had to adapt to life changes at lightning speed over the past year and a half. I know better than most how quickly and abruptly everything can change, whether you want it to or not. You hear people talk ...
I am more than just a widow. If I had a dollar for the number of times I was referred to as a widow, or "you know, the one whose husband died," I think I could buy myself a beach ...
It's no secret to anyone that 2020 has brought on more worldly struggles than we would care to live through. A common theme of emotions that are brought on by each one of these "catastrophes" are sadness, anger, depression, loneliness, ...
"I'm sure things will get easier after this first year." I'll take "Phrases that Aren't Helpful" for $1,000, Alex. When my husband died, I suddenly became surrounded by people who thought they knew all there was to know about navigating ...
The death of anyone you can't imagine living without teaches you an astronomical amount about life, love, and loss. Prior to experiencing the passing of my husband, I couldn't fathom just how much the pain of that loss would teach ...
In Japan, there is an ancient art form in their culture that takes broken pottery and puts it back together using gold lacquer. The unit becomes whole again, but the areas where it broke become even more obvious and visible ...