I have a confession to make: I used to complain about my husband. Yes, I have to admit that Rick, my perfect husband, the man I adored so much in life, was actually not so perfect, after all. And at ...
It seems so many other Hope for Widow bloggers have written recently about significant dates without their husbands Those brave posts have been validating for me. Still, as I approach the one year anniversary of Todd’s death, I can’t write ...
As my life moves forward, I realize there will be an entire group of people that never knew Jared. People who came into my life after his death. People who never had the pleasure of calling Jared friend. And I ...
When was the last time you laughed? Like really laughed, the kind of laughter that has you doubled over, with tears coming out of your eyes or until you had to pee – when was the last time you really ...
I want to preface what I am about to write by saying this blog may be hard to read. I never want to deter people from reading what I write, but I will be honest and say that this past ...
Forrest Gump's mother was certainly wise with her iconic life lesson "Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get" I have found that the grief process has been exactly like a ...
Hope For Widows Foundation's Widows of Hope VIRTUAL 5K Run/Walk is back!!! Walk or run at your own pace. Run outside, use a treadmill, walk the dog, get a group together - it’s your place and pace. The purpose of ...
Giving birth was my first true injection of empowerment as an adult. When my oldest was born, I waddled into that hospital at 25 still very much a child. A few days later, I walked out a woman. With each ...
Only Two Years October 1, 2018, and it’s 2:35 am I have been in some sort of trance since September 24, 2018, which is the date my Devan left this world. This is the 2nd September we’ve had to acknowledge ...