"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." (Proverbs 16:24) The qualities of honey make a beautiful word picture here. Honey is a natural antibacterial poured over burns and wounds it protects from infection ...
My birthday month. Sometimes fun. And sometimes tough. It was the summer of 2002. We started dating in June. July, the month I fell in love with you. After one year together, and eight long years apart. We started talking ...
The difficult detail when explaining yourself on days when grief appears is figuring out where to start. I was married but now I’m not. Or am I? He died three and a half years ago, so I’m not. But ...
The rules to Strip Darts are as follows: Objective: Orgasms Strip Darts must only be played on Naked Friday while the kids are away at their grandparents house Strip Darts must be played with music. The music selection will alternate ...
Listen to Others Seems everyone has an opinion on your life now that you've lost a spouse. From parents to in-laws to coworkers and everyone in between. To them, there is an aspect of grief that you aren't doing quite ...
Sign up here: https://widowsofhope5k.redpodium.com/widows-of-hope-5k Grief is omnipotent When we feel tremendously alone, we check in online to vent about our demons. Everyone grieves differently, we know this, we understand this yet we all connect through grief. Some people grieve by ...
June 23rd is recognized as International Widow's Day. Hope for Widows is honoring all widows worldwide each and every single day. This day significant to widows, but also the children who have lost. Hope for Widows Foundation is committed to ...