Everyone says in grief, you lose people. But the truth is, I think you lose people that you never really had. I think it clears the weeds from your garden. It is shocking how true this is though. People that ...
Before I became a widow, I looked forward to the seasons. Spring brought a sense of newness, summer created a desire to break away and get near water, autumn was a reminder that things need to be shed and the ...
Since my husband died, the so-called “magic” of Christmas has been absent from my life. It is hard to create new traditions for your family while remembering the ones not there. When my husband passed away; my kids were 10, ...
Today, I post bilingually for the first time. Hoy, escribo mi primer post bilingüe. I’ve just passed the 11-month mark. For a while, I thought I was doing fine—especially since I managed to get through the 23rd without shedding a tear. ...
As a writer, I spend a lot of time alone, and a lot of time thinking - mostly contemplating life. Tonight, the holiday dinner is over, the kids and grandkids are all off on their merry way, and I sit ...
I writing from my son’s bedroom floor. He’s been struggling to sleep the past 6 weeks or so after sleeping like an angel baby his whole life. I don’t know what it is that’s bothering him, all I know is ...
It's that blessed time of year again when people are frantically prepping for another holiday season! However, I am happy to say that I am not as daunted by it as I normally am. Oh, sure, all of the same ...
Holiday stress may already be tugging on your mind, heart and emotions as we come to what most people find to be a very important time of the year. The television is promoting deals and Christmas movies as they seek ...
Buying gifts for a widow seems to make a lot of people nervous, particularly if the loss is new and that loved one hasn’t been a widow for very long. No one wants to offend or upset her. No one ...
If I had one bit of advice - and possibly a magic wand to help make it so - I would advise new widows to make sure that they give themselves ample time to grieve, post-loss. Of course, this goes ...