It typically takes a butterfly 7-14 days to emerge from its chrysalis. I am past the seven-year mark now and still trying to hatch. Before I met Bret, I was a completely different person than I am now. And that's ...
I am an avid reader, and I have been since I was small, when I first learned that the weird little markings on the pages of a book could magically tell my brain a story. Multiple genres could be considered ...
Seven years. Seven years ago today you changed my life forever. I wouldn’t trade a second of any of it even if the outcome was the same. Not the hard moments and not the sad moments, all of them meant ...
If I had one bit of advice - and possibly a magic wand to help make it so - I would advise new widows to make sure that they give themselves ample time to grieve, post-loss. Of course, this goes ...
Tomorrow is Halloween. It was my husband‘s favorite holiday (and Thanksgiving, because of the food). He loved dressing up and putting on a show, he always had. It brought him to life. It’s what he loved so much about being ...
Rejections are a part of any writer's life and as a writer, I've seen my fair share. If I want to basically guarantee a rejection though, all I have to do is submit a piece about widowhood. It doesn't matter ...
This is my first blog for this website and my first blog as a widow. I decided to share something that I wrote on the last day of May, which was Mental Health Awareness Month. I think it’s an important ...
Over the years, in various blogs, I have shared that my late husband, Bret, wasn't exactly the easiest person to be around. Oh, sure he could absolutely be the life of the party. But at home, with no one new ...
I reported for jury duty a couple weeks ago. It’s probably my tenth time in the past 45 years since I was first summoned in my early twenties. However, this was the first time I’ve served that we were allowed ...
As I watch my children play, I'm reminded of how much they've grown and changed over the past few years. Each day, they surprise me with their resilience, their joy, and their ability to find magic in the smallest of ...