I am divorced. And I am a widow. I’m a divorced (not remarried) widow. Can those two identities co-exist? I’ve asked myself this question a lot over the past three years and I still haven’t found an answer. AJ and ...
My son recently did his senior photo session for school. It was another one of those bittersweet moments. A moment I wish his dad was here to witness. There have been so many countless bittersweet moments since Jared died. As ...
Father’s Day. For any widow with children, this is not an easy day. Especially for a young widow, with young kids who don’t get the chance to grow up with their dad by their side. It’s a day for grilling ...
Sports was my husband’s thing. He coached our son’s baseball team. And our son's football team. The last spring he was alive he coached Steven’s baseball team. Even though he was diagnosed with a blood clot in his ...
It was recently suggested to me that perhaps I needed to forgive Gary for dying. I was incredulous. Of course I didn’t blame him for dying! “Can you tell him you forgive him?” I was asked. Of course I can!!! ...
So many thoughts ran through my head during those first couple of years after Dave died in his sleep in 2011. I couldn’t wrap my head around the idea that a 46-year-old healthy guy would just die so suddenly. I ...
Today I saw a memory post that reminded me of an incident a few years ago. Something simple, that sent me down the rabbit hole of grief. Four years ago, my son came out to tell me his bathroom ...
Wriiten by Andrea Remke I was folding laundry the other day while the Food Network was on TV in the background. It was a red-headed, soft-spoken lady who bakes farm-fresh stuff like pot roasts and home-baked apple pies. I could ...
We all know that feeling of a broken heart - wow, do we ever. After Dave died my heart literally felt physically broken. It was doing flip-flops in my chest and skipping beats like crazy. I’d been diagnosed with a ...