Sometimes, as a not too recent widow, it has become harder to find people willing to listen. To locate a compassionate, willing ear. Someone who is just available to hear me rehearse past hurts and relive my experiences on this ...
There’s no one size fits all solution for coping with grief for widows. There is, however, one thing that is so versatile it will likely be something nearly every widow can benefit from. I’m talking about music. The right music ...
Grief is something that widows live with and it is also what makes everyone around us uncomfortable. The reality of grief is that it’s permanent; it’s not something we get over or outgrow. Grief exists near the surface of life ...
Photo by Skye Hatten Photography On Thursday, it was six months since I lost you. It was also your 41st birthday. I can’t believe it’s been 6 months since I last heard you say my name and I last felt ...
I was once a firm believer in miracles. But then my life became tumultuous, culminating eventually with my husband unaliving himself. I had seen him pull through a life-threatening illness. I had seen him rise above multiple personal and legal ...
It's that time, again. The ten-day period between the anniversary of Rick's death and his birthday, the day we held his celebration of life. August 13th to August 23rd, 2017: the most painful time of my life. After seven years, ...
Allowing myself to be happy, after the death of my husband, always felt a little like betrayal. It felt like I was shouting from the highest peaks that life without him was enjoyable, like I didn’t care that he had ...
"Fish out of water” and “odd one out” are both great ways to describe life as a 39-year-old widowed mom of three young girls trying to navigate the perils of getting a college education. The first big decision is what ...