by Board Member, Jill Hochman This article is about Reiki and coping with grief. It is part of the Hope for Widow’s Foundation efforts to help our Hope Sisters find ways to learn to cope with and manage their grief. ...
Well, I did it! It only took me three and half years to conjure up the strength and willpower to sell my deceased husband’s truck; but, I finally did. This might seem silly and insignificant to some; however for me, ...
Shortly after my beloved husband passed away, our oldest daughter kindly suggested that I adopt a new kitten. Her petition, “Mom, you need something else to love, another presence in your home, another therapeutic distraction.” My first thought was, no! ...
Grief for me has not been linear; it has been bombarded with zigs and zags. It has been complicated with plunging, deep, emotional crevices and yet, also, silver-lined with healing moments and the remembrance of cherished memories. Do you feel ...
As I was shopping last week, my eyes and ears were immediately drawn to an elderly couple standing at the cake department. Their frailty was apparent; yet, their voices were jubilant and lively as they explained to the baker, that ...
Guilt…such a small word; nevertheless, no matter how unwarranted the guilt can be, it carries a gut, wrenching punch. Guilt engulfed my being and took root after my husband’s death as I wrestled with the fact that I wasn’t with ...
Last week, a friend shared with me his heartache concerning the passing of one of his friends. He was overwhelmed with emotions; however, more notably, he was worried about what to say to his friend’s widow. He felt lost, almost ...
“You don’t know where I’ve been or what I’ve had to overcome because you have never had to. You’ve never lost the love of your life. You’ve never cried over the body of the person you love most in this ...
Five months after my husband’s demise, our oldest daughter got married. The day was immensely bittersweet engulfed with a kaleidoscope of rollercoaster emotions. A few months later, a dear aunt passed away. As I attended her funeral, my spirit was ...
Dealing with my own widow grief is harrowing; however, dealing with my daughters’ pain is beyond paralyzing. One is an adult and married, my other is 16 and as I have written about before, she has autism and requires 24 ...