Here's a thought to ponder for today by Lemony Snicket. One wanders through life as if wandering through a field in the dark of night, wearing a blindfold and very heavy shoes, with a poisonous toad waiting patiently beneath a ...
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As I was shopping last week, my eyes and ears were immediately drawn to an elderly couple standing at the cake department. Their frailty was apparent; yet, their voices were jubilant and lively as they explained to the baker, that ...
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Does your loss sometimes make you feel like a square peg in a round hole trying to fit into a societal mold that just doesn't feel right anymore?     Do you now hold a different perspective than those that ...
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  "Our lives are like islands in the sea, or like trees in the forest, which co-mingle their roots in the darkness underground." -William James-       Darkness always has a place in our lives. It ebbs and flows with ...
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When you grieve, you are in the eye of the storm – battered about by your up and down emotions. As the initial storm subsides and the sea of your life calms a bit, you tentatively put a foot out ...
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According to Webster, the definition of awkward is lacking dexterity, ease or grace Throughout the grief process you can feel uneasy or removed from your body – almost as if your skin doesn’t fit correctly. Consider thinking about it as ...
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To paraphrase William Shakespeare’s words in Hamlet: To be normal or not to be normal? That is the question. After experiencing huge changes in your life, a popular buzz word you may hear that is used to try to help ...
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